_Egon shared matters
Fred Moten - "Home is where you give your home away"
Jacques Brel - "Quitter Vilvorde"
John Baldessari - Throwing 3 balls in the air to get a straight line
Gob Squad - Kitchen (excerpt from lecture, minute 50)
Jim Jarmusch - Coffee and cigarettes
Danae Theodoridou - One Three Some – An Attempt for Devising a Democratic Assembly
Michel Deprez ???
Léa Tarral, Aurélien Leforestier et Maxime Arnould, Collectif 3ème Vague
Rimini Protocol
Compagnie Derezo
Michael Kiwanka - Home again (song)
Ben Lerner - Leaving the Attocha Station (book)
Sayaka Murata - Life Ceremony (book)
Nicholas Lewis - Colonial Tales, Trails and Traces (book)
bierviltjes (how you can write on them)
Superamas - Big1 Big2 Big3
Augusto Boal - Théâtre de l'opprimé (method book)
Mathias Théry et Étienne Chaillou - La Cravate (film)
delphine hecquet
Chantal Jaquet - Les transclasses ou la non reproduction (book)
Benoît Coquard - Ceux qui restent (book)
Collecive MxM - Festen
Maya's proverb : "we always come back to the place where we cut our umbilical cord"
Veridiana Zurita
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